Your local Green Party councillors are elected to represent the residents of Dublin South Central (DSC) at Dublin City Council meetings and to assist residents. Patrick Costello and Michael Pidgeon were elected in 2019. In February 2020, Councillor Costello was elected to Dáil Éireann and Carolyn Moore was co-opted as a replacement.

Co-opted Councillor Carolyn Moore – Kimmage – Rathmines Ward
(East Crumlin, Kimmage, Terenure, Rathmines west, Rathgar, Rathfarnham)
“I support the vision for change and the urgent need to implement it, but if we don’t put radical climate action and biodiversity protection at the heart of that vision, then it’s a band aid on the much bigger problems that are coming down the track.“
South West Inner City Ward (roughly from Kilmainham east to Wood Quay, bounded by River Liffey and Grand Canal)
“My vision is for a Dublin 8 which is a decent, inclusive, liveable home for people who want to live in the city.”
Correspondence address:
Richard O’Carroll Room
City Hall
Dublin 2
Email: Mobile: 0876279290
Patrick Costello T. D. is your Green Party representative in Dáil Éireann“Now the real work begins: Funding Local Authorities for Homes, Healthcentres, Education, Jobs – all wrapped up in Climate Change”
“I think that air pollution is the most serious one because it would affect everyone indiscriminately. There is no way to avoid it, there is no element of luck involved.”
“We are pitting resident against resident,” Harriet Festing says. “Instead we should be standing back and saying we have much bigger problem and come up with a plan for how to mobilize the infrastructure we have in an organized and fair way.”
The Promise of EUROPE
CIARAN CUFFE MEP is the Green Party’s Dublin MEP to the European Parliament in Brussels
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