Education is a key element of Green Party Policy. The Green Party stood firm in Budget 2009 and rejected the re-introduction of third level fees, this means all young adults can access free third level education and can access courses of their own choice depending on the points achieved. If fees are introduced many young adults may find themselves unable to access third level education. The Greens are delighted to see the introduction of a one year free preschool education for all children during their term in Government. This is a great achievement and means that all young children can benefit from this free preschool year before they start primary school. It is well known that investment in early childhood education is good for children now and for their future. Another key policy for the Green Party in Government is the implementation of the Education for People with Special Needs Act (EPSEN) 2004. We support the continuation of employing Special Needs Assistants (SNA’s) for children who have been assessed as needing this service. In Government the Green Party have succeeded in securing investment in Education and we will continue to work to ensure this investment continues.
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